started a blog
I dont why i started this, it was a spur of the moment thing because i had to sign up to leave a comment at a friend's blog. I know i was never good at blogging and i'm never good at finishing blogging. But God's been telling me and working on me so much, i feel selfish if i dont share it with people. Just like how my councellor (turns out i'm not good at spelling either) says, what God gave you is not for you, its for me. So this is for everybody. Anyone out there who might be interested in the life of a humble man whose too prideful to admit he has a problem with consistency. If i dont update the blog, shower me with rebuking mails please as i need it to keep it going. It's never about whether i have something interesting to say, its always about what God said to me and why am i not sharing that with everybody. But that just seems to be so outwardly rediculous as i dont even know who to share it to. People say there's a time and place for everything. Well i'm a sucker at telling the time AND the place, because i can never find the right time to say the right things, everything must all ends in either me frustrating other people or other people frustrating me. Sure i'm telling the truth, sure i'm saying what i feel, sure i'm saying what i think i'm suppose to say, but why must it be responded with an argument? why must be responded with a personal attack? why must it be responded with well...thats not how i see it? What happened to good old fashioned, i think you have apoint, what happened to if that's how you think you should live, then i respect that, what happened to thats great, keep at it. Why must certain people argue about everything and disagree with everything, and why must i turn into one of them and arguing and disagreeing with them? Make me wanna just shut my mouth and wear ear plugs.
Speaking of which, been reading Ezekiel 3: 24-27, talks about Ezekiel was muted by God and that he was not allowed to talk to his people even though he sees the sins and the wrong things that are going on. I tried to imagine what that would feel like...nope, cant picture it, the pain would be too great for me to bear. God gave me a loud mouth, i'll use it...wait, whats that? You want me to be quiet? But this person is living in sin and he doesnt know it, but this person claims he knows you when he doesnt even pray, what the????
You know what, if you tell me to shut up, i'll shut up, you know better
welcome to the world of blogs lei! you'll love it :D woot!
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