Sunday, August 20, 2006


Some people question the way I talk and how i live my life. seems a bit extreme. Even when i'm joking or relaxing, i go to the extreme, even if in my leisure time, i get all up tight and go gung ho about stuff. I dont see anything wrong with being extreme, the way i see it, is that the life i live is for God, and no matter how extreme i am, i can never out extreme God, because he is the alpha and omega. He is the beginning and the end, so theres no way that i'm too extreme for him, and i like to go all out about stuff i'm passionate about, even if its just everyday stuff. Something that seems insignificant may be important to me, or to God. It's really between me and God how i live my life, but i realise that sometimes i must do things out of consideration for others, honestly if i say all the things i wanted to say, i dont think many people can stand it, so i have to relax it and go with the flow. If i do stuff thats out of the ordinary, and a bit out of people comfort zone, i'm not sorry. Cos i know i'm not called to live a life of comfort, if i did, i wouldnt be in toronto, heck i wouldnt even be in Canada, but the point is i was called to live a life of obedience, doing and speaking what ever God tells me to...So if i do say stuff thats not from God, i ask for forgiveness, but if i say stuff, and you're not comfortable with it, that i wont accept. So start thinking about what i said before saying its too extreme, because i try not to say meaningless things. If i do, smack me over the head with it, because i need to know, but if you cant point out whats wrong with what i'm saying, then dont judge it.


At 6:43 PM, Blogger pi said...

you have an interesting writing style that i'm interested to see in blog format.

cool (i was going to say "sick" but.. i really should stop that) to hear that you're giving and being your all for the Lord.
as long as you're doing it b/c you believe it's the best way to live for Jesus and to reach out to those amongst you - then that's awesome... just don't fall into the trap of thinking you need to fill this "passionate-in-your-face" role =)
hehe but I know you're always thinking and evaluating your position

it's warming to see the extent that this past year has had on your growth and attitude - i can see fruits of fellowship, prayer, love, striving and conviction; keep on growing and striving brother =D
take care

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Swirlee said...

oh no, more bloggers. lol.


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