Spartan King Leonidas: Then what must a king do to save his world when the very laws he has sworn to protect force him to do nothing?
Queen Gorgo: It is not a question of what a Spartan citizen should do, nor a husband, nor a king. Instead, ask yourself, my dearest love, what should a free man do?
Sometimes thats what i feel like when i love people, i see people go in self-destruct mode and i help them, in love and wisdom, but when i get rejected it hurts, and sometimes i cant but wonder what am i doing? I'm trying to protect, but yet the people i'm trying to protect are the ones letting me down, they force me into nothingness and i feel useless. Its satan's ultimate objective to render me useless, so get thee behind me satan for your powers are useless against the powers that is within me.
"Immortals, we'll put their name to the test".
Sometimes there are expectations about me, especially when i go back next year, people that have heard of my stories and have certain expectations about me will finaly be able to get to know me, and i will know them. We're called our names for a reason, if i'm known to be an intercessor then i show it, if i'm know to be a follower of Christ then I will shine his light, theres no second alternatives, i am who God made me. Theres no fear that i will not live up to the expectation for i live only to God's expectations, whatever he commands me to do. But next year, my credibility, my name and my nindo will be put to the test in front of strangers, sometimes i feel why i have to prove these things to people, but just as the 7 men called to be servants in Acts, they had good credibility as well as major faith, I should also gain credibility among men as well as God, my Father has already called me to be worthy of a son, now its time for others to be blest through me.
what sort of reputation can beat the real Lei? lol.
acf is blessed to have you back next year lei!
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