Saturday, October 07, 2006

space monkey I

now ready to be shot into "space". This one's for you noc.
I know i'm ready, but i pray to God that i wont forget what the shaved head symbolizes. For me it was a pact with God, that i will not fear judgement of others, and on a broader sense, I will not fear anything of this world. Less thoughts about what other people thinks of me, and just focus on what God thinks. And I'm pointing to everyone of you out there who consider me as a friend, a brother and an allie, don't let me forget it. Guess that sentence only worked on those who reads my blogs, but oh well. So i'm sitting here at home, spending some time with my family by typing away on my laptop. I'm just reminded of God's blessing through my parents, and the things that they encourage me with, even spiritually, last night we ate out, and my mom was picking up her chopstick to eat, and i said" did you pray?" and she just dropped her chopstick and prayed, that felt good, not because i told her to do something, but to see she knows God is important, and know that i can serve as a reminder to her of that. It's a small thing, but its good to see God's work in them.
Every thanksgiving i wonder how many people are actually thankful for the things in there life, and whether they are thankful because of those things, or because of God. makes me wonder. yesterday was mid-autumn festival, a festivity in China, and the moon was round and we had mooncakes, makes me think about my family in China, then about the girl i met over the summer, iunno if she reads this, but oh well. this is an internet blog, its ok for everyone to see my thoughts, even if they might leads to consequences. It's one of the ways of geting over the fear of judgement from others, now they see my thoughts, i've got nothing to hide from them.
Anyways, better spend some real time with family, this really isnt a entry for the implications of space monkeys, but that's why i makred it part i, second part to come ... For now if you wanna find out more about space monkeys, watch fight club!!!


At 4:14 PM, Blogger pi said...

you're going to shave your head too?!?!?!?!?!?1?!??!?!!?!?!!!!!


=) i don't know if you expected that or not. i'm beginning to see more the benefits of the space-monkey resolve. i don't think i really mentioned it to Enoch - but i think bits of the reality are starting to hit me. God is sick.
this may not make complete sense, but keep on brother =) take care.


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