This is an interesting character, he was born with deformaties, and got to live because his parents fled the country, now come back to his father's armour, ready to fight. But the problem, he cant hold his shield properly, so in the sphynlax he would be the weak spot, in other words, he would get in the way. Shooot.
Urahara-san: A warrior who has lost the ability to fight is only going to be in the way
Such cold sstuff to say, but I cant help but agree with him.
King leonidas also says along the same lines, furthermore he said that he could cater to the injured and sweep the battle field.So he turn to the darkside, where orihime strive to become one with ability to fight.
The difference between ephialtes and orihime? One live to fight, the other fight to live. That's what it comes down to, if you live to fight, your goal is simply to fight, it doesnt matter if you're on the good side or darkside, but if you fight to live, fight to gain victory for the people you care for, you always fight on one side.
So how do you draw from this analogy? I'm not gonna explain right here, draw from it whatever you feel God tells you, I already got told, i'm interested in seeing what you get from it.
is it really one or the other though? I think there is an interesting distinction you've brought up - but I don't know if either are really just ONE of the 2.
Perhaps it is not that everyone "lives to fight" - I picture Kenpachi and Ikkaku being in this category, and in a way, Ichigo (after his hollow-self encounter he realizes that the battles will never end and they will only get tougher)
however--> I think every fighter has to fight to live. They are all fighting for something or someone, even if that something is only to better + prove something for themselves; but if you aren't fighting w/ everything, with the will + desire to live, eventually you will fall. Don't get me wrong - the determination to fight (and even if you're fighting for something 'noble'), might not be enough to win the battle [how many times have we seen Inoue get knocked down??] --> but without it, your fightings lacks the ability to become better.
haha so what do I see?
well, for one thing - I'm obviously biased towards Inoue, but I'll explain why.
Inoue is told she cannot be allowed to fight, and although she's depressed, she and Rukia decide to find a way to still be useful etc. Inoue doesn't give up, and the Vizard help her regain her offensive power.
Parallel? It is as if in our Christian walk we encounter trouble and hard times, maybe things that challenge our faith (Urahara's decision); but we can't just give up on our lifestyle of walking w/ God just because we may not serve in the role we want to. And then we get encouragement from the body (Rukia); and although it doesn't always play out this way, God can choose to reward this keeping of faith (the Vizard)- [or help equip us to do His work?]
However w/ Ephialtes the situation, he is told he cannot fight, is given and alternative, but chooses to get revenge instead for being shot down.
Parallel? It is as if we have a set image in mind of how we can serve the Lord (Ephialtes wants to be a warrior); but God says no, you are not suited - do this for me instead (Leonidas giving him a different task).
God knows what is best for us, and we should be willing to lay aside our pride in order to follow Him, but this is a case where it is like a child saying "If I can't get my way, I'll make sure you don't get yours either!"
wow. that was long. haha as if I posted my own blog post. ;) sorry for rambling up your comments page!!
Hope you're doing good. God bless + take care ^_^
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