Does God exist
watched a debate online between Joe Boot and college philosophy professors. Great debate very thought provoking. I just had a thought and had to write it down somewhere, so where else than here. Anyways, If evolution believes that we are in nature accidents, so everything we do are dictated by our environments and therefore justifies our actions whatever it may be. Because morality is merely an accident. So if i get angry, and a very justified anger, for example if someone kills my wife or my kids, that action will prevent me from reproduction and is counterproductive to me passing on my genes. Then I in my anger, will desire to kill that someone. Or hurt him/her badly. So am I not justified then according to evolution in my desire and/or action to destroy that person. So how can humans ever promote compassion and forgiveness when such murder or murderous intent is justified?
morality and ethics are silly notions if there is no God. what higher standard is there to appeal to? the relative truth, as we discussed last year in biz eth, cannot stand upon the foundation it is built. If there is no God then all things i do are beautiful.
it's been a while since i've heard from you~ i hope this msg finds you well~ "have a great day serving God"~!
yo dawg, are you hiding away somewhere? you always come up in our thoughts~ many people will be excited to meet you next year~ take care, take heart~ we overcome all things, together~ =]
Sorry, from the ecological perspective, I've gotta play the devil's advocate on this one. Evolution does not justify you to revenge your lost "wife and kids", and neither does it explain true altruistic behaviour. At the root of the secular philosopher, you will find that law establishes society and inviduals that "cheat" (i.e kill others) will be punished. Just last week I wrote on the topic of "loving our enemies". Maybe you should check it out, Lei!
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