Wednesday, August 15, 2007


what can I say. just been in San fran for 2 days. Second day went to a family small group at forerunners church, one word, overwhelmed. The good kind. Start off with dinner, nothing much to say about that. anyways, onto the worship, when it started it blew my mind away. really powerful, i love the waiting on God before worship, they spend sometime right before worship starts to just wait on God, listening with piano playing. People there are solid, God loving, vulnerable and honest. i just felt rested there, just know that i can worship so freely, truly amazing. It's hard to admit, but people there yelled louder than me, they really SHOUTED to the LORD, cried out, people who needed healing cried out in agony, people with thanksgiving cried out with joy, amongst the shouting and praising is my heart, trembling with emotions i cant describe, but peace among all others. We sang a song that really got me, not got TO me, but got me. the words were basically, i am beautiful and noble, you say to me: very good, very good. I couldnt sing that for a while cos i know what i am, i dont think i'm either beautiful or noble, in fact very much the opposite, but the last words got me, i should think about myself the same way God think about me, he say to me very good, very good, so i should just have humility and say yes Lord, I am what you say I am.
How fitting that today's topic was humility, actually the whole year's topic is humility, the woman who was leading the study shared, mostly about her own life, her struggles for the last week, with her husband, their arguments and stuff, but she shared about how she do things, how she's scared of critisims, how she's scared of being yelled at cos she has such high standards for herself, shoot, i've never experienced such a blatant attempt by God to talk to me, it was almost...overwhelming, i knew right then and there who she was talking to, at least who God is trying to talk to through her. then later another people shared about how she always does stuff to please others...dang, two strikes in a row, who are these guys? did they study up on me before i came? how could they? maybe ypl shared a little too much? how else could they know? no one but God.
Then we split off into groups to pray for each other, we shared about our struggles to be humble at workplace, its one of the first time i hear my dad share about his life in a christian context in a while, even though i was kinda skeptical of the things he said, but i tried to encourage him with God's words none the less, the host family reminds me to many families back in TCAC, so loving and caring, yet filled by the HS. Wish I could stay there forever, they were anouncing about their upcoming programs, like training on healing others, dang, training on interceding prayers, dang...i have gotta get me some of that.
all in all, i was pretty blown away, i'm happy for my parents, almost jealous, but its a good thing, cant wait till they grow, and i cant wait what more God has to show me over the next couple of weeks.
PTLs indeed, he has brought me here to be with him, and that i will do. Thanks pops


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