Thursday, March 04, 2010

Luke 18 & Exodus 15

路 加 福 音 18

1 耶 穌 設 一 個 比 喻 , 是 要 人 常 常 禱 告 , 不 可 灰 心 。

2 說 : 某 城 裡 有 一 個 官 , 不 懼 怕 神 , 也 不 尊 重 世 人 。

3 那 城 裡 有 個 寡 婦 , 常 到 他 那 裡 , 說 : 我 有 一 個 對 頭 , 求 你 給 我 伸 冤 。

4 他 多 日 不 准 。 後 來 心 裡 說 : 我 雖 不 懼 怕 神 , 也 不 尊 重 世 人 ,

5 只 因 這 寡 婦 煩 擾 我 , 我 就 給 他 伸 冤 罷 , 免 得 他 常 來 纏 磨 我 !

6 主 說 : 你 們 聽 這 不 義 之 官 所 說 的 話 。

7 神 的 選 民 晝 夜 呼 籲 他 , 他 縱 然 為 他 們 忍 了 多 時 , 豈 不 終 久 給 他 們 伸 冤 麼 ?

8 我 告 訴 你 們 , 要 快 快 的 給 他 們 伸 冤 了 。 然 而 , 人 子 來 的 時 候 , 遇 得 見 世 上 有 信 德 麼 ?

9 耶 穌 向 那 些 仗 著 自 己 是 義 人 , 藐 視 別 人 的 , 設 一 個 比 喻 ,

10 說 : 有 兩 個 人 上 殿 裡 去 禱 告 : 一 個 是 法 利 賽 人 , 一 個 是 稅 吏 。

11 法 利 賽 人 站 著 , 自 言 自 語 的 禱 告 說 : 神 阿 , 我 感 謝 你 , 我 不 像 別 人 勒 索 、 不 義 、 姦 淫 , 也 不 像 這 個 稅 吏 。

12 我 一 個 禮 拜 禁 食 兩 次 , 凡 我 所 得 的 都 捐 上 十 分 之 一 。

13 那 稅 吏 遠 遠 的 站 著 , 連 舉 目 望 天 也 不 敢 , 只 捶 著 胸 說 : 神 阿 , 開 恩 可 憐 我 這 個 罪 人 !

14 我 告 訴 你 們 , 這 人 回 家 去 比 那 人 倒 算 為 義 了 ; 因 為 , 凡 自 高 的 , 必 降 為 卑 ; 自 卑 的 , 必 升 為 高 。

15 有 人 抱 著 自 己 的 嬰 孩 來 見 耶 穌 , 要 他 摸 他 們 ; 門 徒 看 見 就 責 備 那 些 人 。

16 耶 穌 卻 叫 他 們 來 , 說 : 讓 小 孩 子 到 我 這 裡 來 , 不 要 禁 止 他 們 ; 因 為 在 神 國 的 正 是 這 樣 的 人 。

17 我 實 在 告 訴 你 們 , 凡 要 承 受 神 國 的 , 若 不 像 小 孩 子 , 斷 不 能 進 去 。

18 有 一 個 官 問 耶 穌 說 : 良 善 的 夫 子 , 我 該 做 甚 麼 事 才 可 以 承 受 永 生 ?

19 耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 為 甚 麼 稱 我 是 良 善 的 ? 除 了 神 一 位 之 外 , 再 沒 有 良 善 的 。

20 誡 命 你 是 曉 得 的 : 不 可 姦 淫 ; 不 可 殺 人 ; 不 可 偷 盜 ; 不 可 作 假 見 證 ; 當 孝 敬 父 母 。

21 那 人 說 : 這 一 切 我 從 小 都 遵 守 了 。

22 耶 穌 聽 見 了 , 就 說 : 你 還 缺 少 一 件 : 要 變 賣 你 一 切 所 有 的 , 分 給 窮 人 , 就 必 有 財 寶 在 天 上 ; 你 還 要 來 跟 從 我 。

23 他 聽 見 這 話 , 就 甚 憂 愁 , 因 為 他 很 富 足 。

24 耶 穌 看 見 他 , 就 說 : 有 錢 財 的 人 進 神 的 國 是 何 等 的 難 哪 !

25 駱 駝 穿 過 針 的 眼 比 財 主 進 神 的 國 還 容 易 呢 !

26 聽 見 的 人 說 : 這 樣 , 誰 能 得 救 呢 ?

27 耶 穌 說 : 在 人 所 不 能 的 事 , 在 神 卻 能 。

28 彼 得 說 : 看 哪 , 我 們 已 經 撇 下 自 己 所 有 的 跟 從 你 了 。

29 耶 穌 說 : 我 實 在 告 訴 你 們 , 人 為 神 的 國 撇 下 房 屋 , 或 是 妻 子 、 弟 兄 、 父 母 、 兒 女 ,

30 沒 有 在 今 世 不 得 百 倍 , 在 來 世 不 得 永 生 的 。 (路 加 福 音 18, Chinese Union Version (Traditional))

出 埃 及 記 15

1 那 時 , 摩 西 和 以 色 列 人 向 耶 和 華 唱 歌 說 : 我 要 向 耶 和 華 歌 唱 , 因 他 大 大 戰 勝 , 將 馬 和 騎 馬 的 投 在 海 中 。

2 耶 和 華 是 我 的 力 量 , 我 的 詩 歌 , 也 成 了 我 的 拯 救 。 這 是 我 的   神 , 我 要 讚 美 他 , 是 我 父 親 的   神 , 我 要 尊 崇 他 。

3 耶 和 華 是 戰 士 ; 他 的 名 是 耶 和 華 。

4 法 老 的 車 輛 、 軍 兵 , 耶 和 華 已 拋 在 海 中 ; 他 特 選 的 軍 長 都 沉 於 紅 海 。

5 深 水 淹 沒 他 們 ; 他 們 如 同 石 頭 墜 到 深 處 。

6 耶 和 華 阿 , 你 的 右 手 施 展 能 力 , 顯 出 榮 耀 ; 耶 和 華 阿 , 你 的 右 手 摔 碎 仇 敵 。

7 你 大 發 威 嚴 , 推 翻 那 些 起 來 攻 擊 你 的 ; 你 發 出 烈 怒 如 火 , 燒 滅 他 們 像 燒 碎 一 樣 。

8 你 發 鼻 中 的 氣 , 水 便 聚 起 成 堆 , 大 水 直 立 如 壘 , 海 中 的 深 水 凝 結 。

9 仇 敵 說 : 我 要 追 趕 , 我 要 追 上 ; 我 要 分 擄 物 , 我 要 在 他 們 身 上 稱 我 的 心 願 。 我 要 拔 出 刀 來 , 親 手 殺 滅 他 們 。

10 你 叫 風 一 吹 , 海 就 把 他 們 淹 沒 ; 他 們 如 鉛 沉 在 大 水 之 中 。

11 耶 和 華 阿 , 眾 神 之 中 , 誰 能 像 你 ? 誰 能 像 你 ─ 至 聖 至 榮 , 可 頌 可 畏 , 施 行 奇 事 ?

12 你 伸 出 右 手 , 地 便 吞 滅 他 們 。

13 你 憑 慈 愛 領 了 你 所 贖 的 百 姓 ; 你 憑 能 力 引 他 們 到 了 你 的 聖 所 。

14 外 邦 人 聽 見 就 發 顫 ; 疼 痛 抓 住 非 利 士 的 居 民 。

15 那 時 , 以 東 的 族 長 驚 惶 , 摩 押 的 英 雄 被 戰 兢 抓 住 , 迦 南 的 居 民 心 都 消 化 了 。

16 驚 駭 恐 懼 臨 到 他 們 。 耶 和 華 阿 , 因 你 膀 臂 的 大 能 , 他 們 如 石 頭 寂 然 不 動 , 等 候 你 的 百 姓 過 去 , 等 候 你 所 贖 的 百 姓 過 去 。

17 你 要 將 他 們 領 進 去 , 栽 於 你 產 業 的 山 上 ─ 耶 和 華 阿 , 就 是 你 為 自 己 所 造 的 住 處 ; 主 阿 , 就 是 你 手 所 建 立 的 聖 所 。

18 耶 和 華 必 作 王 , 直 到 永 永 遠 遠 !

19 法 老 的 馬 匹 、 車 輛 , 和 馬 兵 下 到 海 中 , 耶 和 華 使 海 水 回 流 , 淹 沒 他 們 ; 惟 有 以 色 列 人 在 海 中 走 乾 地 。

20 亞 倫 的 姊 姊 , 女 先 知 米 利 暗 , 手 裡 拿 著 鼓 ; 眾 婦 女 也 跟 他 出 去 拿 鼓 跳 舞 。

21 米 利 暗 應 聲 說 : 你 們 要 歌 頌 耶 和 華 , 因 他 大 大 戰 勝 , 將 馬 和 騎 馬 的 投 在 海 中 。

22 摩 西 領 以 色 列 人 從 紅 海 往 前 行 , 到 了 書 珥 的 曠 野 , 在 曠 野 走 了 三 天 , 找 不 著 水 。

23 到 了 瑪 拉 , 不 能 喝 那 裡 的 水 ; 因 為 水 苦 , 所 以 那 地 名 叫 瑪 拉 。

24 百 姓 就 向 摩 西 發 怨 言 , 說 : 我 們 喝 甚 麼 呢 ?

25 摩 西 呼 求 耶 和 華 , 耶 和 華 指 示 他 一 棵 樹 。 他 把 樹 丟 在 水 裡 , 水 就 變 甜 了 。 耶 和 華 在 那 裡 為 他 們 定 了 律 例 、 典 章 , 在 那 裡 試 驗 他 們 ;

26 又 說 : 你 若 留 意 聽 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 的 話 , 又 行 我 眼 中 看 為 正 的 事 , 留 心 聽 我 的 誡 命 , 守 我 一 切 的 律 例 , 我 就 不 將 所 加 與 埃 及 人 的 疾 病 加 在 你 身 上 , 因 為 我 ─ 耶 和 華 是 醫 治 你 的 。

27 他 們 到 了 以 琳 , 在 那 裡 有 十 二 股 水 泉 , 七 十 棵 棕 樹 ; 他 們 就 在 那 裡 的 水 邊 安 營 。 (出 埃 及 記 15, Chinese Union Version (Traditional))

Thursday, March 19, 2009

update on my job

Lei says:
i come to realise that if i cant handle mentally the test of not having work to do, i wont be able to match up mentally when i'm under pressure and have too much to do
Lei says:
its all about the heart, and i gotta be able to adjust my mindset and attitude
Lei says:
and look at things in the positive light, relying upon God and persevere through it all still with my faith and hope intact
Lei says:
knowing that this is a period of waiting and testing for many more tests to come
Lei says:
as long as i keep myself engaged and be of use to the company, it doesnt really matter in what capacity i do it, chargeable or not i will still contribute as one of the smallest memebers of the body
Lei says:
that way at the end, even if chargeability were to work against me and upon my exit, i can look back and say i have ran the good race and see it to completion with every effort i have made the best out of the worst
*a conversation with my career counsellor at work who is also my boss.

Friday, September 12, 2008

new found realisation

Below is a conversation with a friend of mine. We don't realise alot of what God did until a long time after, and this was something realised a year after I got the job offer at Accenture. Now i'm lost for words except Hallelujah.

<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
well its a consulting firm, which supposebly is the second hardest industry to get into
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
other than investment banking
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
apparently accenture require from ivey students 75 minute case interviews
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
crossing 5 different industries
baey says:
oh wow, that's intense.
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
and she asked if i had that when i was interviewing for them
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
and i didnt
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
each round of my interview was surprisingly easy
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
the further i go, people (mostly ivey people) kept telling me how hard accenture's interviews are and how u have to prepare for case interviews and stuff
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
but i didnt meet any of it
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
now i realise miraculously God made me skip all that
baey says:
hehe, the Lord must have opened the way for you.
baey says:
yeah, hallelujah!
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
and i found a new thing to give praise to The Lord for
baey says:
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
i didnt realise just how tough the interviews were suppose to be
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
i kinda took for granted since i felt i got in so easy and other people around me, especially ivey people like *****, its so intimidating for them
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
i must say i was very very blessed
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
and it made me realise how little i did, and how it was so much of what God did
baey says:
that's pretty amazing indeed.
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
which further strengthened me, now i KNOW, before i just thought, but now i know, He WILL provide when i start working
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
right now again, everyone's been telling me how tough it is to start work there
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
and i talked to ***** and it sounds really tough
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
over time everyday and stuff
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
high pressure
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
intense situations
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
but now i know, i finaly know, God is gonna prepare the way
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
not just in my mind but in my heart
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
He will provide for my every need when i start work
baey says:
and what a blessed assurance it is!
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
yea, its so crazy
baey says:
nobody can take that away from you.
<><>RIG...[Jesus CHINA] says:
praise God indeed

then i listened to this song, God is awesome

Friday, August 22, 2008

time to let go

I know i havnt kept up with blogging, so i decided to come back and visit almost a year after my last entry. I'm at San francisco. So the story takes place on the court. I went out the other day by myself to go play some ball, there was a playground close enough by my house. After I got there I found myself having the entire court by myself, but not for long. This black guy twice my size came and gestured for the ball. Out of respect I let him shoot a few, then he asked for a one on one. So the situation is, I havnt played for 3 months, so i just came to get back my touch, even on my best i dont think i have anything on this guy, let alone now, so naturally i said yes. :)

After 2 games, which i lost both 21 to nothing, he said u should play hard, to which I objected, excuses came:"I havnt played for 3 months, i'm asian and i'm half ur size." i didnt say the second part out loud. To which he said: doesnt matter, u just gotta try harder. at this point I thought i cant talk to this guy, he doesnt do excuses, and i caught myself thinking that, to which i smiled and thought, i'm gonna talk to this guy.

We talked about basketball, NBA, politics, racial differences in politics, then he said i'm a christian (not outta the blue but yea) his views has been very similar to mine and it turns out we're very agreeble to each other's opinions. And when it came to the Bible this guy knew his verses. I told him about simple churches, told him God's calling for me next year, told him my views on our relationship with God and how we're falling short of a personal relationship. So from opponents to brothers in Christ, it took almost 3 hours, but it was worth it. We talked about doing a Bible study together or possibly go out to evangelise, whatever God calls us.

So that's the prelude to the thought. I realised something while I was playing against him. There was a reason why I didnt try my best. I failed short of my best and thats usually not acceptable in my books. So I was wondering why i didnt play hard. I realised I didnt wanna lose face, i didnt wanna reach my limit, i wanna make myself look like i still got room to go so that I wont feel so weak and pathetic in front of him. I dont wanna play till i drop, cos i'm still holding onto my last ounce of self pride. That's why its time to let go. play like there's no tomorrow, like theres no return, leave everything on the court, thats what i tell myself all the time, but for that moment i forgot, and i lost, i lost big. the pain of losing my pride was worse than losing itself and thats not right. i'd rather lose completely than to give up my pride. Wow. My sword need some sharpening, pray for me.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

so this is what happens when I get bored?

To be honest I'm not even bored, but I felt like blogging about something I don't even know, I have no feelings or things that I would blog that wasnt as big as the other blog entries i skipped out on. I guess I feel like I owe it to the ones that still read. Heres a list of blog entries I would gonna write but skipped feel free to msn me for details and testimony, but the title is as much of a sharing you gonna get from this blog. I'd much rather share in person.
1. moving houses, definetely a blog worthy journey, God opened my eyes and taught me how to depend on him.
2. Found and accepted a job as a consultant at Accenture, another praise worthy item, again learning that I can do jack all unless it is by God's grace.
3. This year my calling, discipleship, been focusing much effort and energy on Youngens. Super time and energy consuming, but I know i'm contributing.
4. Prayer meetings, slowly moving towards party mode :)
5. p+rs, I owe Ernie and others who wanna know like 16 blog enties on what's been going on at p+rs, I'll share in person, but mostly about our lives in Christ, been born again, born of the Spirit and been set free.
6. San fran and conference, havnt happened yet, but i'm sure its good.
I wonder if blogging has ever been fun for me. To read people's comments or people talking to me about my blog entries, but right now this is not really for entertainment values.
I came to San Fran without expectations, then satan started putting thoughts in my mind the first day I arrived, his timing is pretty solid i must say, started having images of what i think FRCC should be like, what the conference should be like, then what my parents should be like, all that I realise is BS, cos they're all based on past expereinces, i hate limiting God to my thinking, so I rebuked it and its gone. Right now i'm just left with a strong desire to be alone and worship God, i'm glad, i kinda wished i didnt live with my parents so i wouldnt have so much places to go and people to see and stuff to buy, i apprecaite them, but i want my quiet time with God, that's what i'm here for really. Recently its been kinda noisy in my house, in the nicest way possible i wish my parents would not speak for a day.
This was said during last sat's prayer meeting at FRCC, which i think is good for all to read, its mostly for people going to the conference, which applies to One Thing goers, other conference goers and ACF retreat goers.
Pastor shared a vision of one of the Prayer Warriors " he saw God wrote a letter, sealed it then gave it to him, told him to deliver it to the people so that all may receive the Word. He did as he was told, but he found that everyone who received, only received a little piece, cannot receive the whole letter, he wondered why, then it was shown to him that everyone who want to receive the letter had to give him the tablet of his heart in order to receive the Word, but each person only willing to tore off a little bit of the tablet, which means they can only receive just a small part of the letter, theres still large chunks of the tablet left of just white space." Moral of the vision, we must prepare our heart such that we can give up our whole heart, not just a little piece, in order to receive the full blessings of what God has in store for us. So many of us hold back, and we miss out on God's blessings, so often we have always received, constantly received the buffet of God's blessing at ACF or where ever we are that we are no longer hungry, thats also dangerous, we need to be hungry and thirsty for God's Word, and the first step is to empty ourselves, we did some big time emptying at the prayer meeting, now i think its time to go do yours, only when we are empty vessels can we be annointed with oil like Elisha and the widow. So go and be hungry, not for bread but for every Word that comes out of God's mouth.

Monday, September 17, 2007

more than conquerors

Are you afraid to die? I was, and still am. Cos I was raised in China, communism with a solidified ground that when we die, we will go to dust and thats the end of it, I will no longer exist, the me that people know will be no more, and nothing is replaced. many years i asked, how could this happen, the best answer i got was, it happens to all of us, and take comfort in knowing that plenty of people will die before you. That's the best this world has to offer me. Till i met this dude named Jesus, and its said about him that for God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, so that all who belives in him do not perish but have everlasting life. The famous verse from John, i admit thats what attracted me most about Christ, he can give me life!! and not the life that this world has promised me, but life everlasting. But i read somewhere else that troubled me,

and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Mathew 10:38
What the heck??? I thought you came so that I can have life and life to the fullest. I interpreted it this way, correct me if i'm wrong, theres 2 lifes here, one is worldly life, one that will perish, belongs to the flesh, one is everlasting life, that does not perish that belongs to the soul. My body may die but my soul lives on and will go through judgement. So if I reword this passage, it becomes, whoever find his worldly life will lose it, and whoever loses his worldly life for my sake will find eternal life. This comes back to what i've been reading in Revelations, this is a long overdue post, cos i read this pasage in san fran. Revelations 12:11 11
They overcame him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.
That's pretty huge, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death, even at gun point, they will not stop testifying for Jesus. Can I do that? Can you do that?
the following courtesy of Biblegateway
"In this pronouncement the "overcomers" of chapters 2-3 are identified as Christian martyrs. Their victory over the dragon comes not by physical prowess, nor even by purity or good works, but solely by their willingness to face martyrdom for Jesus Christ. They will be victorious in exactly the same way in which Jesus the Lamb was victorious--through their deaths."If we only know the joy and the victory that will come after we give our worldly lives, if we only know how we will be rewarded for our faithfulness...we do know, I know the one thing that I desire from God when I see him, "well done good and faithful servant" or in anime talk "as expected from a child of mine." Does all these things make death less scary, i dont think so, but does it make death worth it?? Yes!! for sure.
as Paul says: As it is written:
"For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."[l] 37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[m] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." i wont highlight anything cos all of them are important, and i've already highlighted what i think is the most important, God doesnt necessarily want all of us to be martyrs, but what he does want is "their willingness to face martyrdom for Jesus Christ". I lack freedom in that willingness, i'm gonna go pray for that now, what about you?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

How great thou art

Today we went for a drive to san fran's golden bridge, we climbed on top of the montain beside it, after an hour of traffic and walking, we stood on top of the montain, looking down at the tiny pebbles of cars and people, with a grand view of the pacific and san francisco, couldnt help but praising God's creation, it looked so beautiful, so glorious from the top, truly one cant help but question who designed and created this marvelous scene, "then sings my SOUL my saviour God to thee, how GREAT thou art, how GREAT thou art." Words cant described how majestic the scene was, and that is merely a GLIMPSE of God's CREATION, how much more majestic would the real thing be? how much more majestic would the creator be?