Monday, March 19, 2007

didn't I already do this?

Tonight as I was preparing to go to bed, I went to brush my teeth, it felt as if I just did it, when I sqeezed the tube of tooth paste, it felt so familiar that I must've done it not long before, that sensation was too close to be this morning. So based on my feelings I reached the conclusion, I already did this. But then I examined my teeth, no, it doesnt feel like its been brushed yet, and if it has been brushed, clearly i didnt do a good enough job the first time...feel like i'm going momento.
But the facts spoke louder, so I obliged to bend over the sink and brush..."once again", then it sorta struck me, recently, there are coutless times where God has lead me down the same path, the similar trials, similar problems, similar people, that lead me to ask him, didn't I already do this? And a lot of times I lose patience and just wanna get it over with, but to be real with myself, did i do a good job in the first place? Did I love with my mind, strength and soul? Did I love him/her as myself. Could I have walked the extra mile, or turned the other cheek? If the answer is yes, then I better get my ass in check and do a decent job this time, its too late to change the past, but its still too early to say i've already done this.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

logic and feelings

i've been pretty struck recently, with respect to my logical side and my ... human side for a lack of better word. Most time I do things in the most efficient way possible, thus the logic that comes into play. And i remember on tsa's blog talking about efficiency in our speech, just try imagine what a 100% efficient speech would sound like, that would be quite crazy, and i dont think we as humans can handle 100% efficiency in our speech. I, Robot was on tonight, which also triggers alot of thinking, the premise of the robot is that it is completely logical, therefore in capable of feelings and emotions, basically, they have no heart, like the tin man. But the whole point is, God designed us in such a way that we have capability to love, to show emotion, to be able to feel. Usually i disregard feelings because they shouldnt come into play when i'm making decisions, but they do, and sometimes i feel like i cant help it. Today as men's group I shared a little about foolish talks. Seems we're pretty inefficient with our speech, as Paul says in

Ephesians:"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

It seems like a great ideal, but is it practical? I think it is, depends on what your interpretation of unwholesome means, we can joke around and laugh and that would still build each other up, but when is it too much? I dont know anymore, when i mentioned that we should watch what comes out of our mouth, i was met with a quick defense of "we're only joking around, gotta watch not to be too strict on that" I remember when we talked about this in ACF and it was met with a different response, the men's group were watching what we're saying more often, and we started pointing out to each other when we our speech werent benefiting others. But in all honesty, i dont think neither is wrong, just different way of approaching things, but I do believe that we ought to as children of God be an exmaple in our tongue and only let psalms and thanksgiving comes out of our mouth, wouldnt that be great? guess that'll be heaven, when all our speech would be made perfect and 100% efficient to Glorify God, thats a new kind of gg, capital G and capital G. Anyways, maybe my expectations are unreasonable, but these are some of the things and challenges i've met here at TCAC, not to say i'm on a higher spiritual level, but that my expectations are different than some people's and sometimes when these things happen it makes life harder, but i would never stop voicing my opinion just because its always confronted by defence and rejection. I say what i get from God, cos what he has given me is not for me, its for the ones he and I loves, and thats you. So be ready to defend. For it is my expectation for myself and others to:"19Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, 20always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."