Thursday, May 31, 2007


This is an interesting character, he was born with deformaties, and got to live because his parents fled the country, now come back to his father's armour, ready to fight. But the problem, he cant hold his shield properly, so in the sphynlax he would be the weak spot, in other words, he would get in the way. Shooot.
Urahara-san: A warrior who has lost the ability to fight is only going to be in the way
Such cold sstuff to say, but I cant help but agree with him.
King leonidas also says along the same lines, furthermore he said that he could cater to the injured and sweep the battle field.So he turn to the darkside, where orihime strive to become one with ability to fight.
The difference between ephialtes and orihime? One live to fight, the other fight to live. That's what it comes down to, if you live to fight, your goal is simply to fight, it doesnt matter if you're on the good side or darkside, but if you fight to live, fight to gain victory for the people you care for, you always fight on one side.
So how do you draw from this analogy? I'm not gonna explain right here, draw from it whatever you feel God tells you, I already got told, i'm interested in seeing what you get from it.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spartan King Leonidas: Then what must a king do to save his world when the very laws he has sworn to protect force him to do nothing?
Queen Gorgo: It is not a question of what a Spartan citizen should do, nor a husband, nor a king. Instead, ask yourself, my dearest love, what should a free man do?

Sometimes thats what i feel like when i love people, i see people go in self-destruct mode and i help them, in love and wisdom, but when i get rejected it hurts, and sometimes i cant but wonder what am i doing? I'm trying to protect, but yet the people i'm trying to protect are the ones letting me down, they force me into nothingness and i feel useless. Its satan's ultimate objective to render me useless, so get thee behind me satan for your powers are useless against the powers that is within me.

"Immortals, we'll put their name to the test".

Sometimes there are expectations about me, especially when i go back next year, people that have heard of my stories and have certain expectations about me will finaly be able to get to know me, and i will know them. We're called our names for a reason, if i'm known to be an intercessor then i show it, if i'm know to be a follower of Christ then I will shine his light, theres no second alternatives, i am who God made me. Theres no fear that i will not live up to the expectation for i live only to God's expectations, whatever he commands me to do. But next year, my credibility, my name and my nindo will be put to the test in front of strangers, sometimes i feel why i have to prove these things to people, but just as the 7 men called to be servants in Acts, they had good credibility as well as major faith, I should also gain credibility among men as well as God, my Father has already called me to be worthy of a son, now its time for others to be blest through me.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Spartan King Leonidas: Submission? Well that's gonna be a bit of a problem. See, rumor has it that the Athenians have already refused you, and if those philosophers and boy-lovers have found that kind of nerve...
Theron: [Interrupting] We must be diplomatic.
Spartan King Leonidas: ...and of course Spartans have their reputations to consider.
Messenger: Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas. They may be your last as king.
Spartan King Leonidas: You bring the skulls and crowns of conquered kings to my doorsteps, you insult my queen, and you threaten my people with death and slavery! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same!

How often have we been intimidated by the enemy, by the threats he waves at us, persian messenger carries the skulls of all the kings they have conquered, when satan brandishes his fangs, when he demands us to bow down to him with threats of death and slavery, he comes, insults our bridegroom, I have chosen my words carefully, have you chosen yours?
You are either for God's kingdom or against him, even when it seems that everywhere is surrounded by satan's forces, we know that our God and King stands by us, we can reject satan with confidence, laugh at his threats with distain, for we know the strengths we fight with, and we Christians, also have our reputation to consider. We're known as descendents from Jesus himself, taught to love with great power and authority, who then can tell us to submit to them but our one true God, anyone else is just an imposter.
These lines really got me, the ancients holds their words in high regards, like how christians should hold our words, so when they speak they choose their words carefully, one slip from the Persian messenger in his tongue cause him to be buried in a well. How should christians speak then? James chapter 3, TOO EASY!!! We are men and women of our words, it is by our testimony and Jesus' blood that satan will ultimately be defeated (Revelations) So let us speak boldly and with confidence that God has given us the wisdom, Colossians 3:16 "16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." HAROO!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007


this is gonna be the start of a series of blogs about 300, i'll try not to do the same ones other people did, people who read my blog probly read enoch's as well, so i'll do different lines, or do same lines with different takes.
In the beginning I find it interesting how Sparta trains their young. First of all, in order to survive you must pass the first test, born without defomaties. If you aren't, your cast into the pit to die, seems pretty harsh, but isnt that God's take on humans? That we must be pure and blameless infront of him, Romans 2. So how then can we be blameless when we face the great white throne. Sacrifice of Jesus, too easy.
Second clip, the kid is trained by his father, constantly in a situation of fighting to strengthen himself. I think i'll do that with my kid, spiritually speaking, that i will constantly train him/her in warfare, that he is always in a ready state of battle. Teaching him constantly how to respond against satan's lies, "what do you say when he says you're useless?", "I am a child of God and useful only to him.", something to that effect. After all, I learned from my Father.
Now he goes through his test, faced alone with the big wolf, he has no place to retreat, so he leads him to a narrow gateway, faced in great danger, in a battle for life and death, only then can a boy become man, when he is tested to that extreme, when he has faced death and conquered it, he is claimed victorious, who else conquered death? Our Lord Jesus Christ, when he is faced with the big bad wolf, he showed no fear, so we too shows no fear to our enemies in their intimidation, no matter how scary they look, Spartans live to die a "beautful death", we have a better death, a death that leads to eternity with God, we're dead to the body but alive in the soul, show satan today that he can find no fear in you, and the only thing he will see is your sword of the Spirit and shield of faith, HAROO!!