This is an interesting character, he was born with deformaties, and got to live because his parents fled the country, now come back to his father's armour, ready to fight. But the problem, he cant hold his shield properly, so in the sphynlax he would be the weak spot, in other words, he would get in the way. Shooot.
Urahara-san: A warrior who has lost the ability to fight is only going to be in the way
Such cold sstuff to say, but I cant help but agree with him.
King leonidas also says along the same lines, furthermore he said that he could cater to the injured and sweep the battle field.So he turn to the darkside, where orihime strive to become one with ability to fight.
The difference between ephialtes and orihime? One live to fight, the other fight to live. That's what it comes down to, if you live to fight, your goal is simply to fight, it doesnt matter if you're on the good side or darkside, but if you fight to live, fight to gain victory for the people you care for, you always fight on one side.
So how do you draw from this analogy? I'm not gonna explain right here, draw from it whatever you feel God tells you, I already got told, i'm interested in seeing what you get from it.