Saturday, August 26, 2006


this is such a weird thing, comfort. I don't quite grasp it yet i feel it. With everything I do, everything i see. Why do people seek comfort so much? Why do I seek it. Everything must be within our comfort zone, its like theres a barrier for us to do things that are out of the ordinary, or things that might make us uncomfortable. Even more so with myself.
We went on a prayer walk on friday night. We basically walked through our neighbourhood and prayed for things on a list we got, or anything the Spirit leads us to. Throughout the prayer walk, either one or another and including me mentioned things about comfort. I dont know if the people in my group will read this, but this is to myself as well. That night, i felt a sense of discomfort, praying in public, in front of many eyes watching, what would people think? What would they say? Am I standing on private property, what if people chase after us? But as those thoughts were going through my head, an even stronger sense took over, a reassurane that I was a messenger for God, that I was lead by the Spirit, that God has given me his power and authority to pray for these people, to pray for this community, the eyes, the whispers, the thoughts and the fear doesnt matter anymore. We as sons and daughters of God should be fearless, for God is with us, who can be against us? If i am the follower of the one that conquered death, what else is there to be afraid of? I marvel at my imagination and the BS that it tells me, that i shouldnt do it because it might offend someone, that i should not force things on people, screw ALL THAT, i'm praying in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZERETH, the name above all names, the one that is seated on the Right hand of God almighty. Let it be known that i'm praying for these people, as they need Jesus just as much as i do. satan and his lies can not stand in the way, as i stand in the Truth, s0 let the fear in me be gone, for it is not from God. Let me no longer base my actions on what is comfortable, but what is the Will of God, comfort doesnt mean anything if its not what God wants. Let's go to where God call us to be, and not where it is comfortable

Thursday, August 24, 2006

consuming fire

So i've been wanting to talk about this consuming fire for a while now. Guess i just dont know what to say. Ezekiel 1 27-28. That's what i imagined it would be. That God would just send down that fire to us, to our churches, to our youth camps, to our conferences, retreats, VBS and missions and whatever he want to work in, and consume us. For us to see that fire, and receive it. That we would burn for God, to rise up and declare, to proclaim, to praise and to worship. To share that fire with everyone else so that they would burn with us. That we would give up all control, everything we think we may desire and want, that we may think is best for us, give it up to him, and let him decide it. Yes this is pretty trivial stuff, yes any christian should know it, but faith without action is dead, if anyone has been able to give up all control to God and has been consumed by God and live life fully dependent on him, then PLEASE leave a comment, i would LOVE to share with you and learn how you live, because i can't, and i don't know many that can. Guess the main reason for this post is i wanna see God working in all of our lives, the small things that we praise God are truly great, buti wanna see bigger things happening, people come to Christ, sick gets healed, nations repent, the city falling to its knees and pray, i wanna see revival happening in our churches, in our youth, in everywhere the sun can shine, i want to see people give Glory to His name and reknown, I want people to live as they mean it, to live to the full potential that God sees in them. I know i'm not expecting too much as God said these things are not too hard for him, so let's all pray for that consuming fire to work in our lives. I for one will do so, will you?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

hard times

darg...satan, get the heck away from me. Things have been pretty messed up recently, by things i mean my mind. Keeps getting weirder and weirder. I dont know what i'm thinking about half the time, absent minded, it gets tough at work cos theres things to do and its not helping when i stare at the computer screen for half an hour with my mind blank. It also doesnt help when i make trivial mistakes and get scolded by coworkers. But theres still plenty more to praise God for and the hope that I will over come this time of trial. satan really does use anything and everything to attack, the moment u let your guard down, booom, barge right through the door. gotta start armour myself every morning, makes me wonder if i had misplaced my sword or helmet, but the truth is, i'm just blinded and preoccupied by the things that are troubling and fail to look to God when the world crumbles around me. so i spent sometime with God today, just resting in him, realised i havnt done this in a while, its always nice to just be in the arms of my beloved, nothing needs to be said, he knows my pain, and he knows what i need to ease that pain. brings me comfort, so yea, btw did i mention? satan get the heck outta my life!!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

hard day

rough day at work, got through on God's grace, it was pretty gross, absent minded all day, feeling tired and drained. Made so many mistakes, got scolded by a co worker, if its not for the hope of a better day tomorrow, i might have cracked. Learn and move on thats what they always what was the lesson there? I got enough sleep the previous night, i gave up my day to God...satan? possibly, or my own view of how things are and my attitude towards the day? the worse the day gets the more frustrated i get and the more i curse the day and then the worse the day gets. Guess u gotta be careful of what u say cos your words comes with Power and Authority from God. That might be it....anyways, better snooze on it and welcome a brand new day tomorrow.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Some people question the way I talk and how i live my life. seems a bit extreme. Even when i'm joking or relaxing, i go to the extreme, even if in my leisure time, i get all up tight and go gung ho about stuff. I dont see anything wrong with being extreme, the way i see it, is that the life i live is for God, and no matter how extreme i am, i can never out extreme God, because he is the alpha and omega. He is the beginning and the end, so theres no way that i'm too extreme for him, and i like to go all out about stuff i'm passionate about, even if its just everyday stuff. Something that seems insignificant may be important to me, or to God. It's really between me and God how i live my life, but i realise that sometimes i must do things out of consideration for others, honestly if i say all the things i wanted to say, i dont think many people can stand it, so i have to relax it and go with the flow. If i do stuff thats out of the ordinary, and a bit out of people comfort zone, i'm not sorry. Cos i know i'm not called to live a life of comfort, if i did, i wouldnt be in toronto, heck i wouldnt even be in Canada, but the point is i was called to live a life of obedience, doing and speaking what ever God tells me to...So if i do say stuff thats not from God, i ask for forgiveness, but if i say stuff, and you're not comfortable with it, that i wont accept. So start thinking about what i said before saying its too extreme, because i try not to say meaningless things. If i do, smack me over the head with it, because i need to know, but if you cant point out whats wrong with what i'm saying, then dont judge it.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

started a blog

I dont why i started this, it was a spur of the moment thing because i had to sign up to leave a comment at a friend's blog. I know i was never good at blogging and i'm never good at finishing blogging. But God's been telling me and working on me so much, i feel selfish if i dont share it with people. Just like how my councellor (turns out i'm not good at spelling either) says, what God gave you is not for you, its for me. So this is for everybody. Anyone out there who might be interested in the life of a humble man whose too prideful to admit he has a problem with consistency. If i dont update the blog, shower me with rebuking mails please as i need it to keep it going. It's never about whether i have something interesting to say, its always about what God said to me and why am i not sharing that with everybody. But that just seems to be so outwardly rediculous as i dont even know who to share it to. People say there's a time and place for everything. Well i'm a sucker at telling the time AND the place, because i can never find the right time to say the right things, everything must all ends in either me frustrating other people or other people frustrating me. Sure i'm telling the truth, sure i'm saying what i feel, sure i'm saying what i think i'm suppose to say, but why must it be responded with an argument? why must be responded with a personal attack? why must it be responded with well...thats not how i see it? What happened to good old fashioned, i think you have apoint, what happened to if that's how you think you should live, then i respect that, what happened to thats great, keep at it. Why must certain people argue about everything and disagree with everything, and why must i turn into one of them and arguing and disagreeing with them? Make me wanna just shut my mouth and wear ear plugs.

Speaking of which, been reading Ezekiel 3: 24-27, talks about Ezekiel was muted by God and that he was not allowed to talk to his people even though he sees the sins and the wrong things that are going on. I tried to imagine what that would feel like...nope, cant picture it, the pain would be too great for me to bear. God gave me a loud mouth, i'll use it...wait, whats that? You want me to be quiet? But this person is living in sin and he doesnt know it, but this person claims he knows you when he doesnt even pray, what the????

You know what, if you tell me to shut up, i'll shut up, you know better